The Mystery of Canaan

After the flood, Noah and his family left the ark, and Noah planted a vineyard. He drank too much of the wine and became drunk. His son Ham saw him uncovered in his tent and told his brothers. Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders, walked backward into Noah’s tent and covered his nakedness without looking on their father. When Noah realized what had happened while he slept, he cursed Ham (also called Canaan). From Ham came the Babylonians, Syrians, Canaanites (Ammorites, Hittites, Jubusites) and Philistines – enemies of God’s people. Yet God called Abraham out of Ur (Babylon) to leave this land and go to a land where He would lead him, The Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey, Canaan.

The Mystery

Why would God lead Abraham to a cursed land? Abraham’s son, Isaac, had twins – Esau and Jacob. Through a strange set of circumstances, Esau sold his birthright to Jacob and Jacob stole his brother’s blessing. Jacob fled back to Haran (Babylon) to find a wife. He worked for his uncle Laban twenty years – seven for his wife Leah, seven for his wife Rachel and six for the livestock. Then he left Haran to return to the land of promise. This whole page-turner story is in the Book of Genesis, chapters 6-31. Jacob’s family was filled with jealousy, deception, manipulation and idolatry. How could God put up with all their sin and drama? How did He not grow weary and lose patience? Yet, He kept His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to make them into a great nation and people in the land of promise.

During a great famine, Joseph, Jacob’s son through Rachel, was sold into slavery in Egypt, but he became the governor under the Pharaoh. He brought Jacob and his family to live there, where they were slaves for four hundred years. Then God called Moses to rescue Israel and take her back to the land of promise.

God’s Mercy

God led Israel by a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire by night. When they complained, He heard them and comforted them. He provided for them and brought them back to the Promised Land. He defeated all the nations that lived there – the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Jubusites and Philistines. Israel lived in houses they did not build and ate fruit from vineyards they did not plant. It was out of God’s great mercy and provision, even though they sinned against Him many times, again and again. God’s mercy gives me hope when I think I’ve failed too many times. His love and forgiveness are unstoppable.


Holy and merciful God, thank you for your great plan for Israel. Thank you that nothing stopped You from giving her the land. Thank you for your plan of salvation – that we don’t suffer for our sin because Jesus took it to the cross with Him. All who believe this are free to love and serve you. Thank you! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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